person holding pencil near laptop computer
SpringBoard Business School
Foundation Diploma (FD)
 Higher Diploma (HD)
Top up Degree (TD)
Undergraduate (UG)
The SpringBoard Business School’s mission is to produce and spread knowledge for the benefit of business, economy and the wider society, through high quality education and research output. We place significant emphasis on student-centred learning and we invest on human capital. Our vision is to respond to today’s challenges by creating future leaders, top range advocates and successful professionals who are socially responsible individuals having the knowledge, adaptive skills, capability and innovative thinking to succeed in the highly competitive environment of the global marketplace. We are a School dedicated to continuous improvement for excellence, while creating an inspiring learning environment for our students and staff.

Tony Fred, CEO

Founder and chief visionary, Tony is the driving force behind the company. He loves to keep his hands full by participating in the development of the software, marketing, and customer experience strategies.

Mich Stark, COO

Mich loves taking on challenges. With his multi-year experience as Commercial Director in the software industry, Mich has helped the company to get where it is today. Mich is among the best minds.

Aline Turner, CTO

Aline is one of the iconic people in life who can say they love what they do. She mentors 100+ in-house developers and looks after the community of thousands of developers.

Iris Joe, CFO

Iris, with her international experience, helps us easily understand the numbers and improves them. She is determined to drive success and delivers her professional acumen to bring the company to the next level.