Academic Calendars & Enrolment information
Term date
Term Date
(To be added)
Enrolment information
Dates of enrolment for new students for the academic year 2021/2022:
15 October 2020 - 25 January, 2021
Place of enrolment: Student Services Office at SpringBoard House N.6-18, Street 574, Boeung Kak II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 120408. Ground floor.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-20:00, Saturday: 9:00-12:00
What to bring:
- Original high school diploma or a provisional secondary school certificate (certified English translation if the document is not in English)
- Original transcripts (certified English translation if the document is not in English)
- English language certificate (if you have one),
- An national Identification card or a current passport or a birth certificate (please bring original, we will make a photocopy by ourself)
- One ID photos (or we will take your picture on the enrolment day)
Academic Affairs Supervisor
Academic Affairs supervisor is the chief academic officer at the College and is responsible for all instructional and academic programs.
Student Evaluations of Faculty
Each semester students are asked to evaluate their instructors. The entire evaluation process is designed to maintain and improve a quality educational program. The Academic Affairs Supervisor will distribute the official faculty evaluation form. The completed forms will be collected by a designated student and will be returned to the office in an envelope. Confidentiality will be maintained.
A student found guilty of cheating will receive a grade of “F” (Failure) on the work in question and may receive an “F” in the course. Academic Affairs Supervisor will be notified immediately. The student could be placed on academic probation, notified in writing to this effect, and warned if involved in a similar incident in the future, he/she will be dismissed from the College. Please see Judicial Process.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism is a serious violation of a student’s academic integrity and the trust between a student and his or her teachers. Plagiarism is the act of a person presenting another person’s work as if it were his or her own original work. Such acts of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:
1. A student submitting as his or her own work an entire essay or other assignment written by another person.
2. A student taking word for word a section or sections of another person’s work without proper acknowledgment of the source and that the material is quoted.
3. A student using statistics or other such facts or insights as if these were the result of the student’s efforts and thus lacking proper acknowledgment of the original source.
4. The paraphrasing of another person’s unique work with no acknowledgment of the original source.
5. Copying another student’s work on a quiz or test.
When a student is found to have plagiarised an academic assignment, it will be up to each instructor to determine the penalty. Depending on the severity of the incident, this could range from a warning to a loss of credit for the assignment. In all cases of plagiarism, the student’s program coordinator will automatically be notified and the incident will be documented. If any further incidents of plagiarism are reported to the student’s program coordinator, additional sanctions will be imposed. These may include notification of Academic Affairs Supervisor; loss of credit for the course; suspension or dismissal from a department program; academic probation; and/or expulsion from the College.
Copyright Policy
The Copyright law of country of the college located that governs the making of photocopies of copyrighted materials. Students are liable for any infringements of these laws. The Attorney General’s office will not defend students for copyright violations.
Class Cancellation Policy
Students may sign up for College Alerts on our website to receive cancellation notices due to any issues. Students may choose to be notified by phone, college email or text message in the event of a cancellation. There will be NO delayed openings for this campus. Evening class cancellation decisions will be made separately and by 3:30 pm of the given day. The cancellation will run on portal.
Consortium Agreement Policy
SpringBoard College is committed to providing the necessary classes students need to complete their degrees. However, there are occasions when students choose to complete individual courses at other colleges. In these situations, the student is responsible for completing the “Transfer Course Authorisation Form” and getting the appropriate signatures. Once that document is completed, a student, if she/he would like financial aid to include the requested consortium course in the overall aid calculation, must submit an additional form--the Consortium Agreement Form (available in the finance Office).
The basic requirements for college’s approval:
● The requested course must be required for graduation.
● A student must be enrolled in at least 50% of his or her credit hours at SpringBoard College during the semester of requested Consortium.
● The Consortium must be signed before the end of our Add Period at the start of the semester.