Attendance and Leave

Class attendance is considered essential to academic success of students at this College. Since there are constant learning opportunities between faculty members and students and between students and other students within the classroom or lab, it is expected that students will attend each meeting of each course in which they are enrolled.
Specific attendance policies for each course are determined by the instructor and will be stated in writing in the course syllabus. These policies will reflect the instructor’s authority to determine whether a student is permitted to make up work missed through absence or lateness and on what terms.
If a student is absent more than the number of hours the course meets during a two-week period, the faculty may withdraw a student from the course with an “AF” grade any time during the semester. An “AF” grade is calculated in the GPA as an “F”. All students who stop attending class after the add/drop period and have not officially withdrawn shall receive an AF from the instructor at the end of the semester or at any point during the semester that the instructor informs the Registrar’s Office that the student has been suspended from class.

Medical Leave Policy
A matriculated student who, due to a serious medical condition that requires extended in-patient treatment in a medical facility and/or ongoing outpatient medical treatment, becomes unable to complete his/her academic requirements and/or who becomes unable to meet the program’s technical standards and/or requirements of the Student Code of Conduct, may apply for a formal Medical Leave of Absence for up to two consecutive semesters.
Students considering a Medical Leave of Absence should be aware that granting of such leave does not relieve a student from financial responsibility to the College.
Students requesting Medical Leave of Absence must:
● Provide a letter to the Academic Affairs supervisor identifying their program of study, the medical reason for the request, the proposed date on which the leave would begin, and the proposed date of readmission, and;
● Provide the AAS documentation of the medical condition from a licensed healthcare professional directly involved in the treatment of the student’s particular condition that is sufficiently comprehensive to facilitate the decision-making process.
The AAS or designee will make a determination regarding the appropriateness of the leave request and notify the student in writing whether the request for Medical Leave of Absence was granted and what conditions for readmission may apply. Students whose Medical Leave requests are granted will be required to reapply for admission at the end of the leave period provided that all conditions for readmission have been met.
Conditions for readmission may include, but are not limited to, submission of documentation from a licensed healthcare professional directly involved in the treatment of the student’s particular condition that is sufficiently comprehensive to provide reasonable assurance that the returning student will be able to meet all college and program academic, technical, and behavioural requirements. Other conditions for readmission may include a required in-person meeting with the AAS and/or the student’s program Department Head; compliance with any new admission criteria implemented in the student’s absence; following a new curriculum plan that may have been implemented in the student’s absence; and/or repeating courses and/or clinical experiences to ensure clinical competence following an extended absence.

Health and Wellbeing

Going to college or university is a great step and every student has the same questions: Will I fit in? Will I be able to keep up with my studies? Will I face difficulties? Will I be able to arrange all administrative issues by myself? We put a high priority on supporting you whether these are your first essential arrangements in SpringBoard College, personal problems or academic questions. Our guiding intentions are to help you find your way, be successful and achieve your future goals.

Personal Care
All students can turn to the Student Support Service Supervisor and have private conversations about any personal matters simply to be heard, receive support, overcome difficulties and concentrate on studies.

Academic counselling
Academic Counselling is provided to all students who have any academic questions related to matters such as credits, modules or academic progression. Students can arrange one-to-one meetings and discuss any academic essentials, questions or difficulties with the Academic Counsellor.

Study Abroad counselling
Our Student support team will be able to provide the best advice for your study abroad plan, you can reach us at any time to discuss your plan ahead either before you start the term at SpringBoard College or during your term running. There are a lot of choices and destination you can choose, no matter where you want to go next after your finish every single step with SpringBoard College, we are there to help you all the time. We can send you to study abroad from as short as one week study programme to doctoral programme in many popular destinations in the world. 

Peer Mentoring Programme
The college Peer Mentoring Programme connects trained Second year degree Mentors with newly starting first year students (Mentees). Peer support is a vital way to support the transition to life as a SpringBoard student and our Mentors are here to support their mentees through the crucial first new semester having had experience of that same journey. You can turn to your mentors for tips on classes, assessments and social activities as well.

For Parent
Going to University is a very exciting time for any individual and for a family as a whole but it can also be overwhelming and fraught with worry, especially for a parent, when your loved one is moving to another city or even another continent or country.  We take pride in supporting our students as they progress into adulthood with a range of support services. We provide this information so that you are aware of the assistance that we provide in order to reassure you that your loved one is receiving the best care as possible college's regulation and policy.

Student Activities


Organisations Student Club
The Student Club is the student government at the College. It exists to promote student unity through creating and supporting student interest in extracurricular activities and to exercise general policy-making authority over student activities and affairs.
The Student Club consists of an Executive Board made up of senators from the student body. The Student Club promotes student activities, allocates and disburses Student Activity Funds, and represents the student voice to the Administration.
Each student at the College has the right and responsibility to participate in student government. There are many options including: running for elective office; sharing your concerns with Senators; and, participating in Club sponsored activities. Students must be matriculated and in good standing to hold an office. The Club usually meets bi-monthly at noon and all students are welcome to attend and voice their opinions. Your Senators want to hear from you!

Activities are promoted by the Student Club. They are open to all students and interest levels. The activities are offered at low cost or no cost to current students. Students interested in helping to plan or participate in activities should consider joining. For more information, contact a Student Club member or Student Club Advisor.

Establishing New Organisations
Student organisations are reflective of student interests. Any student or group of students can establish a new club or organisation. To do so, consult the Student Club for starting new clubs on campus. The Club will vote to officially recognise the organisation. Organisations must be open to all students and should not discriminate based on race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability. A club’s request for recognition by the Club will indicate its willingness to comply with the Club’s guidelines for the expenditure of club funds.

Student Functions
Any recognised organisation can sponsor a function with Club approval. Facilities Request forms are available from the Student affair office. The group’s faculty advisor must sign the form and can answer questions a group might have. The approval form must be returned to the Student Club Advisor for approval by the college. Students should consult the Student Club head and Operating Rules for specific guidelines on all Club activities.